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Who We Are

University Christian Church (UCC) is where life change happens.

UCC has been serving Christ in Muncie since 1929 and we have been at our current location since 1979. We are a non-denominational Christian Church that is fully committed to teaching and following God's Word. We partner and unite with churches around the world in what is called the Restoration Movement. We do not seek to be another denomination because Christ does not want a divided church.  We seek to unite all Christians by calling for a return to the faith and practice we see modeled for us in the first churches,  which are described in the New Testament.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring others to Christ, build them up in Christ, and send them out for Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13).

Our Vision

We believe God is leading University Christian Church to be a community known for our unique love, unrelenting evangelism, uninhibited discipleship, unselfish involvement, useful study of Scripture, and unity in prayer.

Unique Love

We will be a church where community is supernaturally based, rather than built on natural similarity.  Our members will connect with and express genuine love for each other, not based on social characteristics we have in common (age, race, stage of life,social position, education, etc), but based solely on our common love and devotion to Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:46-47) through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  The unique and unnatural nature of this God-given love will attract others to us, and to Jesus Christ who is doing the work through us (Ephesians 3:17b-21).  One defining characteristic of this supernatural love will be supernatural forgiveness (Luke 7:47; 1 John 4:20), and one by-product of this kind of love will be a culture of diversity (Ephesians 2:14, Galatians 3:26-28).

Unrelenting Evangelism

We will be a church where evangelism is both personal and corporate.  Christ’s love and how he has changed our lives will regularly be shared by our members on an individual basis in our day-to-day interactions with the lost; however, our members will also band together as a loving and united family to influence the lost in our community with demonstrations of God’s love and with testimonies of the life change we have experienced from making Jesus Lord ( 1 Corinthians 2:3-5; John 13:35; 1 Thessalonians 2:8).

Uninhibited Discipleship

We will be a church where members are equipped to disciple others.  The spiritually based love we have for one another will give us the courage to “speak the truth in love” and to “spur one another on to love and good deeds.”  It will be normal for our members to talk with each other about spiritual things, share our spiritual struggles, and to encourage, edify, and equip each other in our walk with Christ.  While church programs will exist to help foster these kinds of relationships, this discipleship will be primarily organic, growing out of a Spirit-led mindset, not a program (Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 10:23-25).  

Unselfish Involvement

We will be a church where members are primarily providers, not consumers.  Like the New Testament Church, UCC will not treat members as consumers whose wants must be met in order for them to come.  Rather, they will be treated as individuals who, from the start, are deeply committed to the church in ways that are meaningful, helpful, and sacrificial.  Members will have a devotion to Christ’s Body that transcends whatever benefits they receive from it, for their motivation comes from something deeper.  This commitment will allow relationships between members to deepen and thrive as the truth is spoken in love and accountability happens ( Galatians 6:10; 1 Corinthians 15:58; John 4:34; 1 Corinthians 3:8-9).

Useful Study of Scripture

We will be a church where members meet together to study Scripture.  Members will be faithfully involved in a progressive study of God’s Word designed to deepen their understanding of, and obedience to, the Bible.  Students will be equipped to better read the Scriptures and mine for insights on their own and will take initiative to study the Bible with others (Psalm 119:47, 97; Hebrews 4:12; Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:2).

Unity in Prayer

We will be a church where members are invested in praying together as a community.  Members will depend upon fervent and frequent prayer together as the primary ingredient for victorious Christian living and for realizing Vision 2025.  Prayer life will consist of more than requests for personal needs but will also have a strong emphasis on petitions for the effectiveness of the church’s mission.  Members will engage frequently in corporate as well as private prayer (Ephesians 6:18-20; Acts 1:14; Acts 4:31; Matthew 18:20